

The spatial location is very important for the activity of every insurance company, because the location and the risk are related. For effective development and delivery of insurance services, ESRI GIS provides powerful tools for collecting, managing, analyzing and visualizing the necessary information and data. Presented in a GIS environment, they reveal patterns and trends, which would remain hidden in tables. This is essential for the activity of the insurance companies because it supports the processes of:

•    Analysis and evaluation of risk profiles
•    Business strategies planning
•    Strengthening operational awareness and control by providing greater transparency
•    Creating Geoportals, attracting customers and satisfy most of their needs
•    Others

ESRI GIS supports many aspects of the activities of the insurance companies, including:

•    Sales and Marketing
•    Recording in IPO
•    Claims handling
•    Reinsurance
•    Corporate Management
•    Others

GIS provides powerful tools for geospatial analysis of the insurance claims and insurance services after the wildfires in Texas.


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