Esri Bulgaria developed an interactive Web GIS map for the needs of the anti-AIDS campaign of the Ministry of Health.
Sofia, 26 August 2015 – From today, a web map shows where and when we can consult and test for HIV/AIDS in the summer anti-AIDS campaign under the program “Prevention and control of HIV/AIDS” of the Ministry of Health. The Web Map was published on the website of the program and shows the locations of the mobile clinics in different areas of the country and when we can test and consult completely free and anonymously.
The map is interactive, easy to use, and campaign organizers hope it will facilitate those who want to test themselves, as well as inform and attract new ones. For the development of the web map is used Esri’s cloud GIS platform ArcGIS Online.
The campaign started on August 3 and will continue until September 13. It aims to promote free and anonymous consulting and testing for HIV. Until August 17, 1 791 people across the country have studied and found out their HIV status. The campaign is held in all 28 districts of the country at mobile clinincs, the Offices for free and anonymous consulting and testing for HIV, and the Regional health inspections. More information about the campaign can be found on the program website.